What a trick Mother Nature played on us this weekend. I hope you are all safe and have power back up. I lost power for about 8 hours on Saturday and my sister up in New England is still without power as is the local high school in my neighborhood.
I go into town each morning for a cup of coffee. I have to go really early or after 8:30 so I miss the crowds of kids going to school. There's a train in the town so they are commuting into the area from there and also a Duncan Donuts, where years ago you would never see so many teens lined up at a coffee shop. Now they serve all the fancy drinks and some of the kids even drink regular coffee. I didn't start drinking coffee until I was about 20 and had been working a few years. I never liked the taste of it. My nieces and nephews all seem to have loved it from babies. But not my coffee. I have coffee with milk and a pinch of sugar. They'd much rather a sip from, to name a couple, my brothers Bob's and Joey's coffee, whereas they have sugar and cream with a drop of coffee. Tastes more like ice cream.
But I went into town this morning and it was like the high school kids were having a fire drill in the middle of town. They must have told the kids to stick around because the power should be up by fourth period (no idea what time that is!?). But I hear them talking to each other, some saying they're going home, they don't care. Others just enjoying hanging out yapping with their friends and getting a few hours off from school.
In my town there are tons of tree limbs all over the street, thank goodness no one was hurt here but I'm watching the news and seeing Connecticut, New Jersey, New England the airports and all the damage that this storm caused. Seeing snow all over the green lawns, the trees that were finally starting to turn beautiful fall colors are now laying in the streets or hanging by a thread threatening to fall on top of houses and cars and last night's colder weather causing more problems.
So many people who can't afford to live on a daily basis, so many out of work and now having to throw good food away ruined by the loss of power, staying in hotels to keep warm, going out to dinner, damage to cars. And the saddest of course that lives have been lost. Mother Nature is beautiful and scary too. Tricks and Treats.
This weekend was a trick for sure but I hope it is followed by treats, beautiful fall weather and no more snow! Power restored to those without and a safe day for all the kids out there having fun on one of their favorite holidays!
The kids I heard talking this morning are normal kids. Of course they don't care. They don't understand. It will probably end up being a day off for them. Again I hope a fun and safe Halloween day for all them.
I park my car around the block from my house under a cove of trees and this was before any of the trees had fallen on Saturday, but I went out to move my car because of the snow. I'd rather be parked on another block that I wont have to go up a big hill in case it gets icy. But as I was slipping walking down the block I decided to just get some salt I had in the trunk of my car and put that down on my steps, I wasn't going to drive even a block in the slippery streets.
I went back home and about 10 minutes later went outside and saw a big tree limb laying in the street, just a few feet from where my footprints were still in the snow. So close to falling on me.

Had I moved the car I would have been walking across the street right under that tree that lost the limb probably at the time it had fallen. Women's intuition? Angel on my shoulder? Luck? All of the above?
Mother Nature.
There was a commercial years ago, so funny. "It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature" In fact a girl at my high school, another aspiring actress, Peggy, would imitate this commercial in the cafeteria at school, cracking everyone up. This one from YouTube is the only one I could find but there were a bunch of them during the mid 70s and again Peggy entertained a lot of us during those times.
She used to do one of George Carlin routines too, I know it had a curse in it, maybe "bs" or just the "s" without the "b", but she got caught by one of the nuns, of course making it even funnier. I always thought I'd see Peggy on TV or Broadway, she was talented. In any case I'm sure she's still making her family and friends laugh.
I am glad you or you car weren't hurt! I am in shock about the snow and grateful to miss it!! I hope you throw a snowball at the passing bus....always a NY thing to do!! If you can't beat it, join it and have fun playing in the snow!! Happy Halloween!!
Oh my gosh that is so scary! Whats meant to be is meant to be! So glad your safe!
Kathy! Throwing snowballs at buses! I would never....have had enough good packing snow!!!
Thank you both, yes, so glad nothing happened to me but I know I'm one of the lucky ones (again) this morning as I walked Trixie I could see all the tops of trees without leaves. But again, I'm lucky, my sister in New England is still without power as are so many others and they are being told it could be a week before power is restored. Schools are closed in the area I work in Jersey and it's only October. If this winter is even half as bad as last we're in trouble! Kathy glad you're enjoying the sunshine state and didn't have to deal with this snow. I wonder how your old neighborhood fared over the weekend?
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