The kids had absolutely the best time. Gracie's parents hired a DJ who really entertained the kids and the adults. Our Bella is making her First Holy Communion next spring and all she thinks about is that she wants to have a Zoo Party like her cousin Gracie. What else would she be thinking of!?
I remember for my First Holy Communion I couldn't wait to wear my new shoes! Even at 7 I was into shoes. I would have worn them out if my mom didn't put them away. I remember the morning of my Communion Day she opened the closet and took those shoes out to give to me. Even the dress and vail didn't mean as much as those shoes. They were probably ruined in a couple of weeks knowing me. And I had a party on my Communion Day and sometime during the party my mom went into labor. It's funny, I don't remember her being pregnant, I don't remember her leaving but I do remember her calling me the next day to tell me I had a new sister, Debbie, and I remember saying something like, yeah another sibling, when are you coming home with my money. My Communion had been the first time I had been given gifts of money and I guess I gave it to my mom when she left for the hospital to keep it safe from my brothers. It's funny the things you remember and don't remember.
For Gracie's party I made party bags filled with animal cookies. The party bags can be whatever size you need, you can find all different sizes at a craft store like Michaels. I make a tent card and staple them to the bags.

But Gracie especially loved the t-shirt I made for her and wanted to put it on as soon as she saw it. Her mom wanted to take more pictures of her with her beautiful dress and vail but Gracie just wanted to wear the t-shirt. I hope Gracie remembers that, I know I will.
I also took lots of pictures of the fun day and then put them together in video to music. You can see how much fun the kids were having.
The true greatness of this blog is that, I you so much enjoy the story, I'm able to remember similar days in my life that are "stuck in the vault". Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories....I love every one!!!
That was a great party! The food was great, I remember she said that the zoo catered it!
Glad to bring some stuff "out of the vault" Kathy!
Irene, thanks for remembering who catered it, in case anyone wants to look into having a party at the Staten Island Zoo. It was a great party in every way. Who was the DJ, I know it's the same one you had for your wedding?
The same DJ company, not DJ, I think.
Trish, you also made Grace a 'keepsake favor', the same as the animal cracker bags but filled with plastic animals! Adorable! Everything you made her was soooo special!
I'm reading blogs out of order and just read about 'sisters' and you mentioning Bella wanting a zoo party started me thinking of Grace & Bella's special sisterhood and how they have grown together! Since neither has a sister it's so great to see their bond.
I love all my Sisters!
& yes, all the catering was done at the zoo, and my dj and Irene's dj are cousins.
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