We lived in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn and when you went shopping, no malls in those days, 86th Street was the place to go. And if you have ever heard of the Century 21 Department Stores, the original store was located in my neighborhood on 86th Street. We could walk or take the bus or train to 86th Street, we lived on 97th Street, but sometimes we would take a cab home, I guess when we had too many packages. I don't remember, but my mom told me I always wanted to take the cab, I was about 5 years old and she said I would walk to the curb, wave my arm and yell "TAXI"! I always wanted to whistle too. The way when people put two fingers in their mouth and it's really loud. I remember my father, among so many others, could do it. I always tried to learn but never could. Heck I can barely whistle the easy way. I know for years I wanted to learn so I could hail a taxi with that whistle and at concerts and some of the few sports events I've attended in my life.
I went to secretarial school and worked in New York City for many years, midtown, downtown, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, starting in 1977 and at that time there were still lots of Checker Cabs in the City. Newer cabs were nicer but you could fit way more people in a Checker Cab. But I've learned the ins and outs of hailing a cab even without whistling. You have to keep your eyes on all four corners, watch the little old ladies, they may look small and frail but put a taxi, bus or train seat in front of them and you can't believe how fast they move. On a rainy day you're better off getting wet walking to the train or bus and looking for a cab on your way, maybe getting lucky, instead of standing in the rain, getting splashed, and get splashed you will, trying to hail a cab. And if you hail a cab and it gets stuck at a light and another cab pulls up, you get in that cab. Just again the ins and outs of getting a cab ride in New York City.
Over the years I've met so many people, some again I can't even remember their names but I remember their faces and sharing some little part of my life. Others I can remember their first names and not last and I'm also so lucky that quite a few of the people I've met over the years are still in my life. I know their first and last names, their faces and their hearts.
Years ago I worked as a secretary for a big financial firm downtown on a mini trading floor, from about 1985 to 1990 or so. The trading floor I worked in was originally created to take care of the partners' finances but eventually it morphed and included high net worth individuals. And again, as I have been so many times, just this close to meeting or even seeing Bruce Springsteen face-to-face, as he had an account set up in our department. I just wasn't around the time he came in! It was also the time Oliver Stone and bad-boy Charlie Sheen spent a few days in my office, Charlie sitting just across from my desk with one of the traders, Richard, who I had the biggest crush on! Oliver Stone was making the film Wall Street at the time and wanted to see a trading floor up close and in action. Oliver mostly stood off to the sides watching the entire scene, while Charlie again, was sitting with super handsome Richard!
But no love story there with Richard or Charlie or Oliver. But my old fashioned love story is from those years when I worked on the trading floor and also a Checker Cab. Again I only remember her first name, Michele. And her boyfriend, eventually husband, his name is Emmet. He used to call the office and say it was Al calling and I asked Michele why. She said it was because most people when they heard Emmet would always say "what?" "who?". So he just came up with Al. It's funny weird but my name is Tricia and I know I have a Brooklyn accent and tawk funny but I can't tell you how many people think my name is Georgia when I say my name over the phone. Seriously! I don't know how they get Georgia? Maybe it's not my accent but the speed in which I say my name!
So back to my friend Michele. Michele worked for the big guy on the floor, don't remember his name either but he actually worked on a bigger trading floor a few years before running my department and had a heart attack right at his desk. Oh I do remember his first name now that I'm telling the story, Bruce. Bruce how could I forget that!! He calmed down, had to, when he worked in our department, but he still made me nervous. Of course when Michele was out I was the fill-in for her. I was nervous working for Bruce but he liked me pretty much, I have a way of getting the grumpiest of people to smile.
One day I asked Michele how she met Emmet. I was entranced with the story, it should be a movie, it would be a real life fairy tale come true. Michele had been on a date with a guy she had dated years before and during the date she remembered why the relationship didn't go further than just one date, he was an ass. She got through the date as quickly as she could, left the restaurant and hailed a cab. She got an old fashioned Checker Cab.
She was in Manhattan and lived in Queens and told the driver where to take her. She was not in the best of moods, had a horrible evening and was thinking what does she say when this guy calls her again, and he was going to call! She was lost in her thoughts when the cab driver started talking to her. She wasn't in the mood to chitchat but eventually she found herself engaged in a nice conversation with the driver and they chatted the whole ride to her home.
About a year later Michele was in the city one night at her ballet lesson and it was pouring rain, had been all day, one of those cold days and you just can't get the chill out of yourself. Michele left the lesson, heading out into the pouring rain to hail a cab. Now again rain and cabs in New York city are a rare bird. And in the rain it's so hard to see, if you're lucky enough to get a cab, someone else can jump right in front of you, just as you're closing up your umbrella, and there your cab goes!
Michele hailed a cab and just as she did the light changed red and the cab she hailed got caught at the light. Another cab pulled up and Michele actually motioned to the driver, no, I'm good. You don't do that in New York! Even on a bright sunny day, you don't do that! Again, someone else could grab that cab while it's stopped at the light and again there your cab goes.
But Michele did get that cab.

Now what's the chance of getting the same cab driver two times, a year apart and pick-ups at two separate locations? What's the chance of that cab getting caught at the light, another cab pulling up to take Michele home on a dark rainy night in New York City, her waving that cab off, no one grabbing the cab stuck at the red light first? I mean really! The fates were at work here.
The driver of course is Emmet. And Emmet wasn't a stalker, never drove around her house or where he picked her up with his cab originally. She was on a date that night, at a restaurant, a place maybe she never went to again, who knows. I believe Michele and Emmet were meant to meet. He asked her out on a date when she was getting ready to get out of the cab the second time they met. She wasn't sure, still a little freaked out although she liked him, he was a nice guy. Emmet again sensed her getting nervous and said let's do lunch, you pick a place and we'll meet there. She did and they quickly fell in love, just meant to be together. They were dating and living together for quite a few years by the time I met Michele.
Emmet did see her across the street that rainy night. He recognized her and could not believe that she was standing there, out of all the cabs in New York City she hailed his cab! Even in the pouring rain. She was etched in his heart from the moment he met her.
I got to know Emmet and he was a great guy, very sweet. Michele and Emmet went away on vacation to Vermont while we were still co-workers and came back from that vacation with an engagement ring on her finger and another romantic story to share. Emmet took her on a horse-drawn sleigh ride on a snowy night.

Emmet and Michele had their wedding and reception in Manhattan and when Michele walked out of the church, there was a Checker Cab waiting to take Emmet and her to their reception. Such a romantic guy Emmet! Though I haven't seen them in years I believe they lived happily ever after.

Awww Tricia... I love this story and I'm also a sucker for a love story with a happy ending!
wasn't that sweet?!!
Your piece today reminded me of when I met my husband, Thomas, though it did not involve a Checker Cab it did involve the streets of NYC. Our meeting was completely
“par chance” on an evening when I took a friend out in the Village for her birthday. I was in search of cigarettes since the club where we were was out. I asked the bouncer directions to the nearest bodega and Thomas who “happened” to be visiting his bouncer friend offered to escort me. Uncharacteristically I accepted his offer (this is simply something you do not do in NYC) and the rest is history. Now 19 years and 3 children later we still are very much in love and look forward to seeing each other at the end of the day. Thank you Tricia for prompting this moment for reflection.
Helen!! I'm so glad you shared your story and it was beautiful, fate. There are so many stories out there about divorce and that's all you hear, but there are so many people like you and your husband, my friend Kathy who commented on this post as well and too many more to mention who have true love and are together through thick and thin, meant to be together. I'm so happy for you and Thomas and your children who grow up in a home like yours, filled with love and glad to bring up a nice memory.
Thank you for your words Tricia. It's true that it comes down to commitment because feelings come and go but even though Thomas and I became engaged after 2 weeks of meeting and marrying in less than 3months time it comes down to sticking together through thick and thin which most definitely is a choice.
You're absolutely right Helen, a choice is what it comes down to and lots of people make the right one, and again we just don't hear enough about them, sadly it doesn't make as good a news story!
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