My brother Michael was competitive in sports, board games, arguments, everything! The youngest of my 3 older brothers, I'm sure he was competing with them and trying to be like them since he was a baby. Bob and Michael are Irish twins, a term used when siblings are born less than a year apart and Jimmy's just a little over a year older than Bob. All my brothers are great at sports and there was a time when Michael and Bob were playing a football game against each other. Everyone asked my mom, including my brothers, who she wanted to win. She said she wanted a tie. I don't remember but I'm sure there were tons of heated discussions before that game, probably got a little physical knowing my brothers. But my mom got her wish, it was a tie and I don't think any of the three of them ever played against each other, as far as I remember. I do remember Michael and Jimmy playing basketball down the park (Rubber Park) almost every night before dinner and always ending up in a fight. My mom would tell them not to play together anymore, but there they were again the next night, competing and fighting.
Michael played basketball with our cousin Doug who is 12 years younger than Michael. And if Doug beat him, Michael would be knocking on Doug's door early the next morning, waking Doug up to come out and play with him so he could beat him. Michael is 16 years older than our youngest brother, Joey,

We've had tons of family BBQs at our Aunt Libby and Uncle Richie's house, Michael would get something going, some kind of competition. The yard is tiny, sharing a driveway with their neighbor. Michael started a game one day and that was it, his new challenge to beat everyone.

I've mentioned before that I wasn't really a sports fan growing up and still am not. Drove me crazy growing up. It was always on TV or the radio and I had to go to all my brothers' baseball games and football games, I had enough of it by the time I was 10.
But fun for me, my family was and still is into playing board games together and when Trivial Pursuit came out we played it at many parties. We got the different versions and played those as well. We really had so much fun.

We've played Jenga,

Now getting back to Spelunker. Perhaps you know the definition?
Sometimes in the early 80s we were "down the Jersey Shore" and my brother Michael and I were on opposing teams for a game of Trivial Pursuit. It was Michael and his wife Debbie against my friend Tara and me. We were winning and you know when you get to the center of the board, the opposing team gets to pick the category for the final question and you win or wait for your next turn. Michael of course chose the sports category, grinning his evil grin and chuckling, in his glory. He knew I knew nothing about sports and Tara, if possible, even less. The question was: What is a spelunker. A light went on! Tara, who remembers absolutely too much, told me I had a look on my face that was part amazement and confusion! I asked to look at the question so I could see the word. Spelunker? Spelunker? Where did I just read about that.
I had just read an article in Glamor Magazine about spelunking. They probably had really cool pictures that drew me into the story because I really don't think I had any desire to go spelunking at that time in my life, even now...hmmm...I don't know if I would feel comfortable under ground, but I will say as to spelunking, never say never.
I answered Michael with spunk, a spelunker is a cave explorer! Michael was shocked. I was in my glory, I won on the sports category. Me? Sports? I'm sure Michael wanted a rematch, or argued that I read the cards, but my evidence was that article and the look on my face, you could tell that I was even shocked.

You never know, some day you might need to know what a spelunker is? Maybe you'll be playing Trivial Pursuit against an opponent like my brother Michael. You will remember how a somewhat dizzy, sports challenged, little sister got her biggest bust your chops in the worst way big loving brother to wipe that grin off his face. And plus it's a really fun word to say, spelunker. Spelunker...
I love this post!!!! Great picture of dad! There is more to the football story with the 'tie'. Dad got Uncle Bob kicked out of the game, because dad hit Uncle Bob (but the ref didn't see), when Uncle Bob hit dad back the ref did see, and kicked Uncle Bob out. It was the one and only game Uncle Bob ever got kicked out of. lol
I'm cracking up about your dad hitting Uncle Bob, so your dad! I'm really laughing out loud. I'll have to bust Uncle Bob's chops about that one!
Your dad was something else Irene, with all his faults and crazy ways, he really loved deeply with all his heart, especially you.
OMG Tricia, I remember thinking how GORGEOUS all your brothers were....all the girls did....and they were so funny and easy to hang out with, even tho they thought of us as "little kids".... Great times...
we all still love to play anything, and trash talk and the whole thing...it's always fun...
Love this post, as I am reading the post I can see Michael face as though it was yesterday. He was certain that you did not know the answer, boy was he surprised.
Deb, I'm so glad you loved this post! And it's so weird how you came to read it. There is energy all around us and I believe some of that is the souls that have passed on. Michael made you do it, he made you read that post yesterday and reminded you of the happy times and that silly grin he had. Love you!
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