I asked him if he liked coffee. Kids today love coffee. I didn't have my first cup until I was about 20 or so but I can remember my oldest niece, Irene, loving coffee at about 2 years old. Lots of sugar in it, but she loved coffee. My nephew Robert too, at about the same age as Reenie, just loving coffee. Though his parents like their coffee with half and half with too much sugar as far as I'm concerned, usually four heaping teaspoons. Of course he's going to like that, it's like coffee ice cream! And there's so many iced coffee drinks with chocolate and caramel flavoring, they taste better than ice cream, but it's still coffee, something I just didn't grow up drinking. There's always a line of the high school kids getting coffee in the morning too, half getting donuts or bagels but the other half ordering coffee and iced lattes. It's just become accepted that kids drink coffee now. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but lean towards bad. Just so much caffeine. I can't imagine that being good for them. I know it makes me way too jumpy, I drink decaf myself.
But this boy this morning told me he loved coffee and that he put Splendor in his coffee. He wasn't chubby, more stocky, but I guess he keeps away from sugar. He also told me that he loves it with half and half but that half and half is very expensive. Yes, acting a little grown up, but sweet, not showing off, just something I'm sure he's heard his parents say.
He also told me that he picks up coffee for the guys at the barber shop down the block and worked there last night. He cleans up and I guess makes the coffee runs for the guys and gets his coffee with Splendor too! He was such a nice boy and I introduced myself and asked his name. Alex he said and shook my hand. I wanted to hug him he was just too sweet. I told him that I enjoyed speaking with him and that he could get in front of me on line. Again so polite, he thanked me.
He was so refreshing. To meet a kid like that. Maybe because he was by himself but I believe Alex is probably polite even when his friends are around, he just seemed like that kind of kid to me. He ordered a coffee, looking at a list as he ordered it, so I knew it wasn't for him. He got his coffee and left.
They all know me at the local DD, I'm there for my morning cup of coffee pretty much everyday. My neighbors seeing me walking usually say, oh you're on your way for your coffee. I'm a creature of habit, in so many ways. So the staff at DD knows me and I don't have to order unless I'm adding a muffin or something else to my order, but most times, it's just my coffee. I was on my way out of the store just a few seconds after Alex left.
As I was leaving the store, Alex was coming back in, forgot something he said and I walked out. I saw a car parked and the passenger door open and assumed that was where Alex came from. I went up to the driver's side and Alex's mom was in the driver's seat. Well I found that out after knocking on the window for her to open it. I asked if she was Alex's mom and she said yes. I told her that her son just made my day. He was so polite and sweet and real and that she should be very proud of the boy she was raising.
Alex's mom was beaming. Alex made my day and because of him, I think I made his mom's day as well.
They're out there. Alex or whatever name, good kids, polite, respectful and age appropriate. Rare, but there.
Thanks Alex wherever you are, you touched my heart. You started my day off with a smile and as I write this down, I smile thinking about you. I don't believe in coincidences, I think Alex was meant to cross my path and I'm glad he did.
So caffeine doesn't stunt growth? LOL!
It is great to meet great, happy kids doing what they do best! Loving life and sharing it without being self-conscience.
It was great of you to take the time to notice and share. I'll bet you made his day too!
It's so refreshing to meet a child with good manners any more. Training children properly seems to have largely gone by the wayside. I have complimented parents on their children's behavior when I see well-behaved kids in public. With so much bad behavior, I think some sort of reward for raising your child with good manners needs to be offered when we notice it!
Funny Kathy!
It is fun meeting happy kids. I hope I made his day.
And Jules you're right. I'm glad I let his mom know, because there are fewer of these kids around.
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