Her character was so important to film, as minor as it was. The Academy decided it was time to add a new category to the list of Oscars. The "best supporting, small minor supporting, one line supporting character actor/actress".
You recognize these people. Just one line, sometimes a little more. Then you see them in another film and you're like I know that person, what's his name, what's her name? Usually an unusual or flaky, off-the-wall role. Though this was Tricia's first film I think her flaky and off-the-wall style will be a nice fit in comedy films and we hope to see some characters through her vision.
Tricia accepted the award from one of her favorite character actors, Brad Dourif. Brad is a tremendous actor and has been in so many films and I wonder if you know who he is before looking at his picture. He was in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Ragtime, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to name a few. All great movies and he's due for an Oscar for best actor or best supporting actor at this point in his career. He was nominated for best supporting actor for his role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Tricia tripped while going up the stairs but recovered quickly, before saying her thanks, she joked how she never falls down stairs, always up! She thanked her family and friends for their support over the years, her angels in heaven, and was happy to have the opportunity to make so many people laugh.
Okay then I woke up. Another dream of me winning the Academy Award. I can't help it, still at a point in my life where I'm not even interested in being an actress, my dreams are still there, too many times have I fallen asleep after the Oscars and had a dream of me winning, accepting my award, and truly being so happy to connect with all the people I've met in my life, give back just a little piece of me all at one time! Not bad having the world knowing I'm the greatest star either!
Dreams, even if they're wild and almost unbelievable are a wonderful gift we get pretty much every night, unless you suffer from nightmares, I've had my share but they've never been as scary as the Nightmare and Freddie movies and I'm lucky most of mine are great dreams, some just normal nice dreams but some awesome dreams like the ones I have after the Academy Awards and the ones I have the night before the Power Ball numbers come in!
So...do you know who Brad Dourif is?
Hope so, he's an awesome actor!
You probably do know him, just don't know is name.
Until now of course!

Here's to dreams...without them, where would we be?
If I were in the Academy, you'd get my vote every time!
You are such a complete nut! Whose body did you graft your face onto?
I wish you did get a role in a movie -- I know you'd be just great and probably steal the scene from the "stah"!
Thank you girls! I used Sandra Bullock, even her hair, just cropped my face in there - good fit huh? Maybe I can play her shorter older sister!!! Dreams!
You'd be a really good sister for her! You look like her, kinda. And you're both thin. It would definitely work!
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