Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time!
I laughed and then during my long walk on this absolutely beautiful sunny day in New York I thought more about second chances.
Second chances.
There are those I know who don't believe in second chances. As much as I have given so many people second chances, more than just second chances, so many chances, I have to say that most of those times, I was so happy I did keep giving so many chances, I've given myself many chances as well. Of course there are those who I'm sorry to have wasted so much time giving so many chances. And I have to admit, there are those I've not given a second chance to and I would bet I was wrong more than half the time about those people.
We all get pushed by different buttons, something that irks me may be something that doesn't bother you. Looking back, I feel ridiculous for not giving so many people second chances because of their outer shell, because maybe they said one thing I don't agree with, whatever.
I know I have given myself so many chances, made the same mistakes more than once, but I give myself another chance to start over, make it right. If I can do that for myself, how can I not do that for others? I guess there's a few sides to think about with second chances and I really thought a lot about it during my walk, again I must say on this perfect sunny day.
One side is my gut. What does my gut tell me about this person. I know if I had gone with my gut feelings about so many life events and relationships with people in my life, I would have made less mistakes. Hindsight.
And instead of my gut, sometimes I feel it's just my heart telling me to give a second chance. And is it wrong to pay attention to your heart?
Another side, for me anyway, is the chances I keep giving to myself. Should I do that for others?
Second chances, I think for the most part, we should give people more chances. Second, third, even a one hundredth chance, but I am going to try to use my heart and my gut which will ending up making me think, using my brain as well.
Second chances are good. Remember how many you given to yourself.
You are a wonderful gal & open your heart to so many...but like the Tin Man said, "hearts are made to be broken". You are right, 2nd, 3rd however many times it takes, but, don't miss the lesson! I'm grateful for all the 2nd chances I've had...thanks Tricia for letting me back in! I love you!
Thank you my friend! And I wont forget what the Tin Man said!!!!
I love you too!
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