It was nice having dinner with the kids. I mostly see them when I'm picking one of them up for practice or a game, or watching them if my brother goes out, and Sundays for church with Bella, our regular thing. Big difference running around with them as opposed to sitting down and sharing a family dinner, nice conversation, and I'm not in charge of anything, that's when I love being an aunt. And the boys are at the age now where they ignore me in public, or if they do look at me, they give me a look that means don't embarrass me, don't kiss me, don't smile too much, they are cool and me saying hello to them in pubic is so not cool. I can nod my head and get a nod back most times but mostly I accept the look and add up in my mind how many kisses they owe me when we're alone.
When I walked in the door the boys were playing a video game. Robert looked up and said hello and Jojo, on the other hand, didn't hear me or notice me, I was invisible. Of course I went up and kissed them and made Jojo say hello and give me some loving back, he does, he likes the kisses, again as long as they are not in public, Robert too. Jojo you just have to nudge sometimes, he's often in his own crazy world. He's a smart kid, does well in school, just a wild child when he's free to be. After dinner was over, Jojo just came up to me kissed me, hugged me and said I love you. Out of the blue, just thought of giving me that. I know that kid loves me and I also know he's going to drive women wild when he's older, he just knows how to love deeply and get under your skin. He knows how to make you laugh during a heated moment and can bust chops with the best of them. And Bella always greets me like she hasn't seen me in years, hugs and kisses. Little girls!
My brother and his ex are both funny people and their kids are funny, especially Jojo and Bella, but more Jojo. Bella knows when she's making someone laugh, cares, wants to make them laugh, she's "on". Jojo can be like that too, but most of the time when he's just being himself, doing what he wants, he will make you laugh the most.

The reason the camera got them was because they had their faces painted green with white lettering saying Wagner across their foreheads, Wagner's school colors.

Again Robert got more camera time, probably because you could actually see his face, he was cheering and moving a little, but you could clearly see Wagner written across his forehead. A good shot for ESPN.
Jojo, on the other hand...always Jojo on the other hand...was WILD. Had his shirt off too and Wagner and ESPN across his chest. But he's moving all over, up and down, side to side, CRAZY! He also spent most of the game right next to the cheerleaders. At first not in sync with the girls but soon keeping up and doing the same cheer. My brother asked the cheerleaders if they wanted to get rid of their new mascot, but they, like everyone else, were getting a kick out of Jojo, he got under their skin.
About a week or so ago I got a text from Jojo. He just got his own cell phone and yes I think it's ridiculous, way too young, but not my business. But anyway, I get a text that says "call me" so I did. I said hello, how are you and then asked, what's up. He said nothing, "I just like my ring tone and wanted to hear it". I found out later via a Facebook posting from my cousin Chrissy that he sent her the same text, then his Aunt Janet comments that she got one too but didn't recognize the number and didn't call him back. Crazy kid right? But he makes me laugh, he makes our family laugh, he really makes everyone laugh and feel good.

I have watched this video quite a few times, I know he's my nephew and I love him, know him. But in the one second they catch of him cheering at the game you can just tell this kid is having fun, a wild child! Not that you will miss him, but Jojo is at about the 15 second point in this short clip.
I am drawn to kids like this, the ones that can just make you laugh without trying. I'm drawn to adults like that as well, funny people make you feel good, best medicine in the world.