Thursday, December 15, 2011

She'll Thank Me Later

You know how you sing along to a song on your ipod or the radio and you think you sound absolutely fabulous? I do it all the time. The only thing is I know I don't sound fabulous, but it's so much fun and I feel good and I sing out loud, really loud!

When I was younger I would sing in front of the mirror for hours, using my brush as my microphone, taping myself on my little tape recorder and then hearing how awful I sounded when playing it back. Is that me? Do I really sound like that? I sounded so good singing along with the record. What happened?

I wish we had the technology today when I was growing up. I would have tons of videos to watch and laugh at and more just enjoy, watching myself being so innocent, so real, singing my little heart out.

Here's my niece Bella singing along to Bruno Mars' song Grenade, acting it out and just having fun, pure innocence, nothing more beautiful! She's a star that brightens my life every day.

Someday Bella might be furious that I posted this, I don't care, I captured a wonderful moment in her life.

She'll thank me later.


Kathy said...

It's GREAT! She has your expressions and everything! So cute! I know one day she'll be mad at you, not sure if she'll thank you, but it's adorable! Thanks for sharing, I love it!

chrissy said...

That was great! I love all the hand gestures and expressions! Love 'eyes wide open' and 'bullet goes through my brain' ! I'm bringing my flip this weekend, maybe the girls can perform a show. Wait, there's no 'maybe', we all know they WILL perform!

absolutely adorable!

Tricia said...

Okay so maybe she wont thank me but wouldn't you love to see yourself at that age being so innocent, not caring, just being! Oh those were the days!

And Chris, I'm bringing my video camera, hoping as always to get them to do a show and more to get Joey's rap!!!