When I first got my eyeglasses I needed them for seeing the blackboard in school, watching TV and at the movies, otherwise my eyes were fine. I didn't have those first pair of eyeglasses very long, seriously, maybe only a week or two, and I lost them. I remember exactly where I left them though, down "Rubber Park" in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn by the big swings. Of course they weren't there when I went back for them.
I didn't take care of my glasses from the start and that neglect continued until I was out of secretarial school.
I didn't want to tell my father that I lost that first pair, not like he was going to kill me, but I knew he would be angry and I'd have to hear a whole lecture again about taking care of my glasses, and then that would lead into another discussion about responsibility and what kid wants to hear all that. So I squinted in school, sat right in front of the TV and the same at the movie theaters. My father finally noticed me sitting in front the TV, which I would do with my eyeglasses, so I had been getting away with it for some time. I don't think there's a kid out there who hasn't been told a gazillion times to sit back away from the TV. So my father tells me to sit back from the TV and then notices I'm not wearing my glasses and tells me to put them on. Now I have to tell him. When, is his first question and I'm like, a while now. Now he's angry about the glasses and the fact that I didn't tell him for so long! You think I would have followed that thought process through when I decided not to tell him right away. Never smart enough to know it all, as I know I had told my parents a gazillion times. I know, I know. Yeah I knew.
It ended up that my eyes got worse and I needed to wear my glasses all the time. Well at least I wouldn't lose them. But boy did my glasses, and I had many, many pairs, go through the ringer with me.
First they were always filthy. I remember my Uncle Richie, who wore glasses, was always looking at my mine and saying, do you ever wash your glasses. No. Never. Put them on in the morning and put them in various places before bed. I slept on the top of our bunk beds and not having a nightstand, I just left them wherever. I stepped on them, dropped them, but I didn't lose them. I remember, I was in high school, and had glasses with a clear frame and the lenses would pop out because they weren't sized right, which I should have told my father right away. Not me. I taped them back together, it matched the clear frame, well not really, but kinda.
One day I was getting a drink at the water fountain and a lens fell out and broke. I put it back in and taped it til it finally just wouldn't stay. I know I had been begging my father for wire-framed glasses all the time, which weren't on the plan. And plus he was always reminding me that I didn't take good care of my glasses. And, anyone remember that? Now kids can get contacts on the plan. The "plan" glasses for us were the ugliest, and wire frames were not on the plan. Of course he bought me wire framed glasses, spoiled me rotten that wonderful man. Yeah the wire frames didn't work either. The nose pieces, kind of a cushion for your nose, those were gone pretty quick, so the wire prongs that the little cushion sat on, they just ground more deeply into my nose, making that eyeglasses' mark even worse. And they were much more fragile than my pastic frames, I did in wire frames really quick, they didn't stand a chance with me.
I don't remember feeling nerdy wearing glasses but I do remember girls in grade school that did feel uncomfortable (or not pretty) when wearing eyeglasses. I remember one girl would put them on and keep her hands around them the whole time, trying to hide them. She just stood out more. I still remember all these years later that one thing about her. Not her name, not what she looked like with or without glasses. All I can remember is her hiding her glasses.
Now as much as I didn't think I looked nerdy I didn't think I was pretty either.
Have you ever seen Molly Shannon playing Mary Katherine Gallagher on Saturday Night Live? She even had a movie, Superstar, and played Mary Katherine too.

When I got my first job, I bought my first pair of contacts. I started to care. Eyeglasses were now an obstacle because I had bad vision and now for meeting guys. Do men make passes at women with glasses? Oh yes they do! And vice versa. But at 19 and 20, I still didn't know, that everything I thought "I knew", I didn't know. Got that?
I loved contacts, and, then, when they came out with the ones you could sleep with, I was even happier. I didn't have to wear glasses anymore. I could see clear all the time!
It's funny, but my whole life I have pretty much felt that people who wear glasses look very attractive, pretty, handsome, cute, adorable, etc., but not me. Again I didn't think I looked nerdy, but I never looked in the mirror and saw them as attractive, cute, etc. I saw them as an obstacle and as not pretty.
For the last few years I have stopped wearing my contacts. It ended up like I said above that I needed to wear glasses with my contacts and ended up always searching for them and getting so frustrated not being able to see right away. An obstacle. It's easier for me to just wear my glasses when I need them and take them off for everything else. What's the difference. Right? I can watch TV without them, work on the computer without, just not drive. I wear my glasses to parties, on dates, I don't care. I don't need them to see the person in front of me, but I do need them for distance and outside my "safe zone", wherever that might be, I'd rather have my glasses on to see everything as far away as possible. I wonder if all people who wear glasses, with my kind of vision, do the same?
I am much more careful with my glasses than in the past. I pay for them. My father used to like that, used to tease me all the time, "oh, you buy no frills for your apartment, you take care of your things now." Now I can say I know. Somewhat.
I also do know now that, I look pretty, cute, sexy, smart, silly, insane, whether I wear my glasses or not and everyone who does, or does not, the same!
To all my fellow four-eyed beauties, young and old....I see you!
A little more of Mary Katherine Gallagher, a skit from Saturday Night Live. Whitney Houston was the musical guest, so she's in the skit as are Rosie O'Donnell and Penny Marshall as the nuns. This clip doesn't show enough of the scene, they were all cracking up at Molly playing Mary Katherine. Try to catch a repeat on TV or maybe you can find it on line?! Enjoy!
I never thought you looked so much like Linda (your sister) till that picture....so adorable! Glasses or not, you are gorgeous! Best of luck with you next pair....I hope they stick to you! LOL
That was great. Really enjoy reading your blogs!. I never wore glasses as a kid, but I do now..!
Well look at that, two Kathy comments!!! I love it! Thank you both! And Kathy C, I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog, it really means the world to me!!! And you you look beautiful in glasses!!!!
How is it you DO look so much like Mary Katherine in that picture? Yikes! She was so spazzy to me.
I've worn glasses since the third grade. At the end of the summer between 7th and 8th grade I spent all the money I earned babysitting every day that summer for a woman who had hepatitis (her 3 young children had to be minded) on CONTACTS! My parents kicked in 1/2. Those were the days when they were expensive. I was DESPERATE to shed my glasses, lol!
When I was about 20 my eyes started fluctuating and my contacts were SO uncomfortable. Every 1/2 hour the Dr. took a measurement of my eyes and the measurement changed each time! He put me back in glasses 'temporarily'. That was 30 years ago. I had developed dry eyes and contacts were just not comfortable after that, although several times over the years I've tried them again. My eyes got gummy and sticky and felt really grainy when I wore contacts.
A few years ago (I think when I was at Wilentz) a Dr. talked me into trying much thinner contacts, and while they were comfortable, they only worked for long distance vision, not short, and I couldn't deal with the reading glasses (having them, finding them, misplacing them . . .). I have very bad astigmatism in one eye and unfortunately, the toric lenses are not thin enough and I can't tolerate them. He told me bifocal lenses aren't thin enough, either.
While I am not as vain as I used to be, and while plenty of men have been willing to go out with me while I have worn glasses, I just hate them on myself. I guess we both feel the same.
I don't even THINK of you as wearing glasses -- and I think you are pretty with or without them, but I don't feel that way about myself! We're in the same club, girl!
Hmm... you really had a hard time when you lost your first pair of eyeglasses, huh? It kinda reminds me of the story that my grandfather told me when I was still young.
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