Did something ever happen to you and you're like, wow, this can't be true, what a coincidence. Well, I don't believe in coincidences. I believe. It's silly, but I believe.
What do I believe? Oh too many things to tell you in one post!
My brother Michael used to tell me that I lived in a dream world and I guess I did. I'm glad I did. That dream world is hard to find when you grow up and life slaps you in the face with one thing after another. I'm glad I lived in a dream world where I believed in everything and more important, everyone. And though I don't live there anymore, I visit.
First I must say that Facebook has been a wonderful place where I have been able to connect with so many, so many, I mean it's almost unbelievable, but so many wonderful people who have passed through my life, some for a long stretch, others for a moment only, but they are part of me, part of who am, and they are my friends.
Second, this morning my friend Mary, who I have not seen since 8th grade and is another wonderful person I shared time with in my journey called life, posted a spiritual message on her wall and I then copied it and posted it on my wall. This is it:
Just have to pass this along.... I have so much going on in my life right now... I need a blessing and cant afford to not pay it forward... so here ya go... If you have taken a minute to read this... God has seen YOU struggling with something. God says its over. A blessing is coming your way.... If you believe in God send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. If you believe in God… drop everything and re-post it. Can't hurt...I Still Believe in Miracles..
Now I don't believe that God is testing me, but I do believe, you may think it's silly but I do believe, that somehow I was meant to copy that post. Hey, I believe in "the force" from the movie Star Wars. I think it's a beautiful message about "the force", we are all combined in some way. Not a coincidence. So I reposted and then my friend Betty, who by the way I probably met once or twice when I was about 10 or so, as she dated my brother Michael when they were teens. Is that a coincidence with the Michael connection? No I don't think so.
So again, I repost and then I'm sitting at my computer and I see that someone commented on a post that Betty posted on her wall. Have I confused you? I hope not, I really want this to be clear, it happened so quickly. Okay, so first I repost Mary's post. Then Betty posts "Breathe" on her wall and her friend Alice comments and all I see is Betty's comment, cause I don't know Betty's friend Alice. Are you still with me? Betty's post was, "Amen Alice". Two seconds later, my friend and Betty's friend, another Alice, puts a little hands up "I like" sign next to my post. I'm surrounded by Alice!
Alice was my mom's name. I had the most wonderful mother you could ever know. I truly was blessed in every way, except that she died too young, only 57, and unfortunately had to suffer through so much pain. Her death destroyed me for way too long. But I got through it. Molly Made Me Do It! It was a long road for me, but I found myself. I remembered and keep on remembering every day how blessed I was and continue to be. I am forever the daughter of greatness, she is me, I am her, "we" will always be.
And then there's the connection to my brother Michael, who unfortunately also passed away much too young. I kind of feel like Michael was telling me to make a visit to my dream world. More to believe. I believe. It's silly, but I believe.
I also commented back on my wall to the post I quoted above. I said, this is working already because of all the Alice reminders that were popping up, not a coincidence to me. Betty believed too. She said it was divine and not divine like in the "Divine Miss M" for Bette Midler! She meant heavenly, celestial, "the force", God. She even said to say hello to my mom for her. I did. Somehow I believe my mom will find a way to say hello back. Nothing obvious but it will be there. And I also think Betty will know. Why? She's my friend, that's why.
I believe. It's silly, but I believe.
If you don't know by now where that quote is from I'm so sorry that you never enjoyed one of the most magical movies ever. Miracle on 34th Street. They remade it, like they try to do with so many, and as cute as it was, nothing can compare to the original.
Please join me in my visit to my dream world and believe!
I am still visiting my dream world, where I can believe in everything and read my horoscope...I'm a capricorn, is this a coincidence? Again I don't think so!
Tuesday, Dec 6th, 2011 -- Others might attempt to rain on your parade today, but you have enough positivity power to overcome their bad attitudes. You don't need to make a plan to maintain your exuberance, for it will naturally regenerate itself now, assuming you are following your bliss. Don't succumb to coercion or guilt; the more closely your life is aligned to your dreams, the less reactive you are to other people's negativity.
Tricia, your beautiful spirit again leaves me with tears in my eyes. You are right to nudge us all to live in the beauty of life. We all have troubles but with the gift of your blog, hopefully all who read it are moved to see things in a better light. Thanks again you wonderful friend! Keep those rose colored glasses clean, we all need to borrow them from time to time.
that was beautiful Kathy, thank you!
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