Oh what a Day!!!!
This morning I jumped up and ran to my computer after hearing it announced on The View that Doris Day is back in the news again, that Doris Day is coming out with a new CD at 87 years young! I'm elated!
America's sweetheart for so many years who starred in all those corny movies I absolutely LOVE. Movies about the perfect life, the perfect man and of course the musicals. Doris is one of the greatest singers, I would love to turn on the radio and hear her sing like we do with Frank Sinatra songs.
She was a great actress as well. Mostly remembered for her musicals and more her movies with Rock Hudson, but watch Doris play Ruth Etting in the biographical film Love me or Leave Me, also starring James Cagney. More, LISTEN to Doris sing in that film, listen to Doris sing any song.
We all know Que Sera Sera, well I hope we all do...I kinda think anyone who keeps coming back to my blog has to be the kind of person who knows Que Sera Sera. I know my niece Irene knew it from so young, I've sang it to all of my nieces and nephews when they were babies. Of course they all know Abba Dabba Honeymoon which Debbie Reynolds sang in the movie Two Weeks With Love and now I have made famous with my nieces and nephews. I hope they sing these songs to their children. Just pure, sweet music.
But back to this wonderful Doris Day...
God rest her soul but when Elizabeth Taylor died, all the newspapers said the last of the Hollywood legends had passed. I know Elizabeth Taylor was a star, was beautiful, etc. But Doris Day!? Doris Day is one of the classiest Hollywood legends in my book. I am so excited that young people will hear her music, might try to copy her style, give her the recognition she so deserves in music.
And as much as I grew up loving Doris Day's movies and music and her TV shows, when I really grew up I learned what this one woman has done for animals, being their voice, teaching us all that we can make a difference. She has made a big difference behind the scenes, she's never looked for a pat on the shoulder, she just helps animals because she loves them, her heart is pure, she is as goody two shoes as she played in the movies, for real! Even her name sounds happy. And she didn't have an easy life and unfortunately has now outlived her only child, her son, her friend. Doris Day is a legend in her own time and again I wish so much that her music becomes something we hear when we switch on our radio or a song choice from an American Idol contestant. I have lots of Doris Day music on my computer and ipod and am so excited to be adding something new from this superb, supreme, sublime, consummate singer.
This is also a perfect time to tell one of my Doris Day stories. No, never met her when I roamed the halls while working at RKO Radio Networks or WOR-AM in New York but one of my friends, Pat, resembles Doris very much, especially when she was younger, she was a little chubbier then and her face was shaped like Doris's, even had that same haircut and would bite and lick her lips like I've seen Doris do herself in movies. I wasn't the only one who told her she looked like her but it wasn't an everyday thing as Doris Day hasn't been in the news for years, in my 20s I was one of the few who appreciated that kind of music, I doubt many of my friends knew who Doris Day was, just not known as she should have been and again as I hope will be. But one night Pat and a bunch of my others friends and I were at a bar in Jersey that had a band. I talked to the singer during a break and set up a joke on Pat, which was one of my most favorite pastimes. Pat could take a joke like no other, and she would laugh and laugh which would make my pranks and jokes even better.

The band did a song or two and then the lead singer looked into the audience, blocking the lighting from his eyes and said that he thought that Doris Day was actually in the audience. Pat, knowing me but being Pat and falling again for one of my pranks, turns to me with the biggest smile, so excited, saying, Tricia, can you believe it, he thinks I'm Doris Day! I am busting trying not to laugh but telling her, yup, just like I've been telling you, you look like her, yes indeed you do! She even starts telling everyone she meets or greets that night, that her friend Tricia has been telling her and others too that she looked like Doris Day, but here was the band announcing it out loud. I let her have a moment, making mine even better when I would tell her I set the whole thing up. Can't watch a Doris Day movie without a chuckle or two busting out of me thinking of the funny times with Pat.
But today? Hooray, hooray for Doris Day!! 87 years old and still helping animals and now a new CD. She's more than a Hollywood legend, she's a legend for all time and for all people.
Enjoy this happy Doris Day!
(Reuters) - At age 87, Doris Day is not exactly pop music's latest hot young artist. But this week the star of film, TV and music returns to the U.S. record world she conquered more than 60 years ago with a new album, "My Heart."
The CD, which hits record stores and websites December 2, is filled with old standards like "My Buddy," previously unreleased tunes such as "Stewball," about a race horse Day loved, and pop hits of the 1960s and '70s such as "Daydream" and "You Are So Beautiful."
"I like the music when I was working and singing," she told Reuters. "I think the writers were so incredibly brilliant, and when you sang a song of theirs that you loved, it really meant something. And love songs, I love love songs."
For the most part, she has stayed away from entertainment circles for more than 20 years since accepting a lifetime achievement honor from Golden Globe organizers in 1989.
Day recorded and released the songs for "My Heart" because she wanted to help animals -- sales proceeds go to her animal foundation -- and she dedicated the song "My Buddy" to her son, the late record producer and songwriter Terry Melcher, who died in 2004 after battling melanoma.
"He really was my buddy," Day said of her son. "I wanted that song to be there because it was for him and, well, all I can say is that I miss him very much."
1 comment:
Just great!! Another legend for your nieces and nephews to learn about,and a way for you to live on in their hearts, and mine....
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