You know how kids just say the funniest things without meaning to? My niece Irene used to call the Wizard of Oz, the "Vizard of Oz". Better my niece Jessica could not say Irene. She was Direne for years. We'd say Jess, say "I", which she could say and then we'd say, now say "rene", which again she could say, but put them together and she always came up with Direne and looked at us like we had three heads, I'm saying what you said!!!
My nephew Robert used to say "hold you" and put his arms out for you to pick him up. His dad, my brother Joey, told him, no, say "hold me". Then Robert said "hold you me". Joey loved it. He never corrected his kids when they were that age anymore, he would say whatever word or phrase the correct way to them and let them learn it the right way at their own pace, he enjoyed hearing Robert say "hold you me" and missed it the day he said "hold me".
Bella, Robert's little sister by 4 years used to say "am-i-nal" for "animal" and it was absolutely adorable. Robert corrected her one day and Joey passed along his secret...Robert, enjoy it while it lasts, she'll say it right soon enough. And Bella did but in the meantime, Robert loved to hear her say "am-i-nal" and the look on his face enjoying her was as precious as hearing her say "am-i-nal".
Which leads me to "I have a cold".
When my brother Michael was little, probably around 3 or 4 he got a little bowling alley game, downsized, something you would set up on the floor. Every time Michael rolled that little ball down the lane to knock down the pins he said "I have a cold". Every roll. Why? He saw a TV commercial for cold medicine where a guy bowling said, "I have a cold". Michael assumed that's how you bowl.
I have a cold.
That picture you made of yourself is great! I saw that you missed quite a few days blogging, I was getting worried!lol Its how I keep tabs on you! Feel better!
I hate having a cold....feeling not well enough to do anything, but everyone expects you to do it anyhow! I'm glad your better....Nettie Pot!!
Irene, so glad you liked my picture of me with a cold! I always feel as awful inside as I do outside with a cold and think I captured how I felt with my self-portrait!
Yes Kathy, you are expected to do everything when you have a cold and you really can't! I couldn't write my blog, everything was just coming out backwards!!! And I looked up nettie pot (actually neti pot, you know I look everything up!) I've heard of that, it's something that relieves sinus problems if anyone out there is interested...look it up! Learn something new...I just did!
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