I don't really care!!! Honestly. I really don't mind aging. I just want to grow old. I want to be alive for as long as possible to enjoy all the beautiful people in my life (but they all have to live longer so I won't have to say goodbye). I don't care that I'm getting older, or my skin sags, I don't even care if I get shorter! Could that be possible?
I know that it wont be easy, as we get older so many things change, simple things like having a good night's sleep are a big deal. What you can and can't eat.
I've always been an extremely hyper person, not hyper in a bad way, at least I don't think so. But I move fast, I talk faster. I used to be able to get out of a 2-door car by hoping over from the back seat to the front seat. One, because I could, and two, I couldn't wait long enough to move the lever and the seat and waste all that time getting to where I was going.
I worked in Manhattan for many years and when you are walking in Manhattan on your way to work, or more important, on your way home, trying to catch your bus or train, you have to act like a mad driver, weaving in and out of traffic from lane to lane. I mastered that art, as I was already a super fast walker, and being small, I've even cut under an umbrella or two while weaving in and out of my lanes of people. They didn't see me coming! Now I can't get out of a car like that and I've even noticed a grunt coming out of me when I get up from a long sit at my office desk or here at home.
I still walk fast, talk faster, move in general at a quick pace. I still continue to make my co-workers dizzy when they watch me zoom around the office. I remember an attorney telling me when he saw those commercials for Mazda with the Zoom Zoom theme, he thought of me. He even starting calling me "Zoom Zoom". When I worked on a trading floor downtown (as a secretary), there was a carpet in the hallway heading to the messenger center but just before you turned the corner for the center, there was a tiled floor. When I turned that corner, I always heard, "hi Tricia". They knew the sound of my walk.
I grew up in Brooklyn, but moved to Staten Island when I was 15. We moved to a development where all the houses were white with black roofs, eventually people added a little changes, but there were rules, and the changes were minor. The houses weren't all the same size but still it could be confusing. I even remember a kid running in our house and after a second or two realizing he wasn't in his own home.
Once my friend Irene, and her friend Debbie (now my friend too) came by to pick me up for a night out. Irene had been there before, but it was still confusing, especially for Irene. Irene is super smart and has great skills in her field of work, but Irene and I have a joke between us for years now. I would ask her how she could be so smart at work, I mean really, she knew the insides of computers and computer security, so much knowledge about computers that I have absolutely no understanding of, and here was something simple, like for instance coming to my house, yeah they all looked the same, but there were numbers on the house, I did have an address! So after lots of little confusing times between Irene and me, I would offer her a quarter, as being paid for thinking somehow must have made a difference in the girl. I wonder what she's going to be like old? Confused? I guess I'll have to start offering a dollar. Well that's if I remember the joke when I'm in my late 90s! Because I have always had my own "confused" moments!!!
So anywho, Irene and Debbie are coming to pick me up and when they ring the bell, Irene of course is confused, do I have the right house? And now she's got Debbie thinking, have we rang a stranger's bell? But Irene said something like, no, I hear her walking to the door, we have the right house.
I wonder if I will still have that pace in my old age, or will I be like Tim Conway on the Carol Burnett show.
That might be, but that fast walker will still be inside my head, trying to get wherever as fast as ever!
Two years ago, my nephew Robert, 8 at the time, asked how old I was and I told him, you just crashed my 50th birthday party, don't you remember. I said I'll remember when I go to your 50th birthday party. He looked at me like I was crazy and said "you'll be dead". I said no, I'll be old and you'll actually be happy that your old aunt is coming to your 50th birthday party and I'll be happy telling everyone, yup, I'm 95 years old, still feel like a girl.
This little project I created for my friend Maria, my sister (not really). I have a group of friends, who I guess, because they were single the longest in my life have just been in my life a lot more than other friends. I think Maria started it, but we just all call each other "my sister" when greet each other or say goodbye. Maria was feeling a little blue, overwhelmed by so much going on at the time and I just wanted to make her smile.

These mini vodka shot bottles I created for "my sister" patti for her 50th birthday party.

So what will I look like when I'm old. I'll look the same. When I look in the mirror I don't see anyone different. When I look at an old picture of myself, yes, I see the difference. But when I look in the mirror I just see me and I guess that's what I'll look like when I'm old.
Marvelous! I think the same! Never too old for lost of FUN!!
What a great out look on life in general!
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