Thursday, January 26, 2017


Rest in Peace Mary Tyler Moore aka Mary Richards. You were an inspiration to me growing up as you were to so many women of my era. The first single happy woman on TV! Not an old maid! Just simply a happy woman who wasn't married.

I never wanted to get married. It was never my dream. The whole big beautiful dress and walking down the aisle with my dad! No. My dreams were of being an actress. I dreamed of being on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson or what I would say and who I would thank while accepting my Academy Award!!!!

My mom on the other hand, being from a totally different generation, wanted nothing more for me to do than to find a husband! She meant well. She wanted someone to take care of me and love me like my father loved her. She used to give me sports lines say to guys I dated. She thought that would help me nab my man! I hated sports. Still do pretty much but I would ask her then what do I say Mom? I have no idea what I'm talking about! And my taste in men!!!! I've dated some really great guys but fell in love with the bad ones! Maybe it was a subconscious decision? I don't know. But like Mary Richards I am pretty much a happy single woman. Though over the years when running into an old friend, the first question I would be asked was 'are you married?' As if that defined me??? I used to feel bad. Thought something was wrong with me!!! As I got older I found that so many of those people that asked me that question were divorced!!! I would never ask an old friend, so are you divorced. That would not define them either!!

I am very happy to say that I know many couples who have been married 1, 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 years and couldn't be happier. Does that define them individually? I don't think so. I think, just my opinion, that the reason these couples have happy marriages is because they are happy individuals.

Do I have children? No. I have never given birth. But I have been a big sister and aunt to so many children. I have been babysitting since I was 8 years old! I don't do it anymore. God bless you mommys and daddys.  Hardest job in the world but I will say I can see for so many parents that their children and grandchildren are their happiest rewards.

My life is not perfect. Lots of times it's not easy but would having a husband change any of those hurdles in my life? Having friends and family and friends who are family help me through my darkest times. Had I married the men I fell in love with, I would be so unhappy! Of that I'm sure! And why are single men called bachelors and single woman called old maids?! I am not an old maid! I am 58 years old and have had many much younger men ask me out. I don't mind a little younger but 20 years? No, we have little in common and as good as Demi Moore had it for years with Ashton Kusher, he ended up leaving her for a younger woman.

And who knows what tomorrow will bring. I may up marrying a man 20 years younger than me!!! Never say never!

But again thank you Mary Tyler Moore for making us all laugh and making single women a good position!!! And all the work you did for diabetes. We cannot forget that. It's strange that we live in a world where only the famous can do so much for some of the problems and sickness in the world!!! What does that thought say about this single woman?!

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